(571) 234-5960
Experienced Virginia
Criminal Defense Lawyer

Leesburg Speeding Ticket Lawyer

In Virginia, speeding is heavily enforced, particularly in and around the Town of Leesburg. The Town of Leesburg Police Department, Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office, and the Virginia State Police all have jurisdiction to issue speeding tickets, and law enforcement officers are constantly on the lookout for vehicles traveling over the posted speed limit.

Work with a Leesburg Speeding ticket lawyer if you’ve received a speeding ticket or traffic citation and want help fighting the charges. It’s important to remember that some driving offenses in Virginia can even be considered a criminal misdemeanor punishable by serious fines and even jail time. Call our law offices to speak with a defense attorney in Leesburg who can help with your case today.

Speeding Defenses in Leesburg

If you don’t believe that you were traveling at the speed alleged, there are a variety of case-specific legal defenses that a Virginia speeding ticket lawyer can employ including challenging the calibration of the device that was allegedly used to track your speed.

If your case is a stationary radar case, there are specific objections regarding the foundation of the radar reading itself. For example, the radar gun may have not been properly calibrated within the time period specified by the Virginia statute. In addition, the radar may not have been functioning properly on the date when your speeding ticket was issued. Additionally, your attorney may file objections regarding whether the officer was properly trained on that specific piece of equipment and whether he or she followed protocol when measuring your speed.

In any case, the prosecutor will have to be able to give the judge reliable evidence in order to establish your speed beyond a reasonable doubt.

In order to determine which defenses are right for your case, it will be necessary for your attorney to conduct an independent investigation of the facts and circumstances related to your speeding charges. When you work with one of the Leesburg speeding ticket attorneys at our firm, he or she can take you through the investigation process step-by-step, working to identify the most effective defenses available to you.

About VA Speeding Ticket Cases

If you’re charged with a speeding violation in Virginia, you should expect that the court will take your case seriously. Here are some things to keep in mind regarding speeding ticket cases in Virginia:

  • Speeding tickets are pre-payable at the rate of roughly $6 per mile over the posted speed limit.
  • If you choose to pre-pay, you can expect to receive demerit points on your driver’s license. These demerit points can lead to increased insurance premiums and even license suspension if you accrue too many within a given timeframe.
  • If you are charged with traveling over 80 mph (or 20 mph in excess of any posted speed limit), you may be facing reckless driving charges, which are very different from a simple speeding ticket.

If you’d like to learn more about Uniform Demerit Points, whether or not you should pay the fine or fight your speeding charges, or what to do if you’re facing reckless driving allegations, call a Leesburg Speeding ticket lawyer from our firm today.

Retain Legal Counsel Today

When you’re facing speeding charges that could affect your insurance rates and even your driving privileges, it’s important to seek counsel from an aggressive and experienced lawyer. Our speeding ticket attorneys in Leesburg know the local roads and understand how to effectively challenge speeding allegations in court. Get in touch with our law offices today to learn how we may be able to help you.

Can I Take a Driver Improvement Class to Have my Case Dismissed?

It is often a good idea to take a driving improvement class if you are charged with a speeding ticket or traffic infraction in Loudoun County. In some jurisdictions, you may even be able to make an agreement with the court to have your case dismissed if you take a class. But in Loudoun County, you will need an attorney to represent your interests. In many cases, an experienced attorney can present positive steps you’ve taken and positive facts about your personal history to the prosecutor in order to reach an agreement that would not necessarily be possible by simply presenting the facts to the judge.  If you are interested in mitigating your traffic offense, you should speak with an attorney about the best way to do that as well as other factors that can help bolster your defense.

Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group

Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group
18 Liberty St SW

Leesburg VA 20175
Times: 7am to 11pm - Mon to Sun
Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group
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