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Consequences of Fauquier County Reckless Driving Charges

The consequences that can result from Fauquier County reckless driving charges can be severe and ultimately life-changing. Not only can a person potentially face fines, but they can also face jail time and license suspension. These factors can affect the person’s ability to be employed by certain places. Additionally, reckless driving charges have a stigma that can impact the person’s relationship with their friends, family, and community. Even out-of-state drivers can face serious consequences by driving recklessly through Fauquier County.

For this reason, it is crucial that a person facing the consequences of Fauquier County reckless driving charges to contact a Fauquier County reckless driving attorney right away. A seasoned attorney can use their experience and knowledge from previous cases to provide a person with the strongest defense possible. By hiring an experienced attorney, the person can have the opportunity to avoid the potential penalties of their charges.


If a person is charged with reckless driving in Fauquier County, they face the same penalties as with any class 1 misdemeanor. They may be given a jail sentence of up to 12 months, a fine of above $2,500, or a combination thereof.

In addition, reckless driving carries a potential six-month’s loss of the person’s Virginia driver’s license. If they are an out-of-state driver, they may lose their privilege to operate a motor vehicle in Virginia for six months. Additionally, the driver may receive uniform demerit system points.

Long-Term Implications

If a person is convicted of a reckless driving event, they have a class 1 misdemeanor on their record. In Virginia, any criminal conviction remains on a person’s record forever and is not subject to be expunged, which includes reckless driving offenses.

In addition, if a person is a Virginia driver, they will receive six demerit points for 11 years from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If a person is an out-of-state driver, they should consult with your local DMV to see how they will handle that conviction.

Treatment From Court

Reckless driving charges in Fauquier County are unique because they are handled very aggressively. In many circumstances, the court, the prosecutor, and the law enforcement officer may not believe it is appropriate to reduce charges on their own. Additionally, Fauquier is one of the most stringent penalty jurisdictions in all Northern Virginia. For example, drivers exceeding the speed limit by traveling in excess of 90 miles per hour face the very likely possibility of active jail time in Fauquier County.

This means that 90-plus cases are apt to carry a much stronger likelihood of jail time in Fauquier County and in other locations throughout Northern Virginia. However, this may mean that other penalties are less likely. It is, therefore, important for a person to talk to an experienced attorney about the matters of their case and which particular penalties may or may not be in play through the facts and circumstances of their case.

Impact on Out of State Drivers

If you are an out-of-state driver, the Virginia DMV cannot issue demerit points for your out-of-state license. Likewise, the Virginia court system cannot suspend your out-of-state license. However, a Virginia reckless driving conviction,especially one in Fauquier County, may have an impact on the other state’s license as the County will send a summary of that offense to the Virginia DMV. The Virginia DMV, pursuant to an interstate compact, will typically send the information regarding your conviction to your home state. Your home state will then have the option to give demerit points under their relevant state rules.

Does An Out of State Driver Still Have to Appear in Court?

Whether or not an out-of-state driver  needs to appear in court in Fauquier is a case-specific inquiry. You should talk to your Fauquier County reckless driving attorney about whether or not they can appear on your behalf.

Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group

Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group
Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group
891C Harrison Street SE
Leesburg VA 20175
Times: 7am to 11pm - Mon to Sun
Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group
32 Waterloo St

Warrenton VA 20186
Times: 7am to 11pm - Mon to Sun
Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group
9119 Church Street

Manassas VA 20110
Times: 7am to 11pm - Mon to Sun
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