If someone was issued a reckless driving ticket in Mecklenburg, it is important to realize that it is considered a misdemeanor crime and not just a minor moving violation. According to the Code of Virginia, someone in Mecklenburg could be charged with reckless driving if they drive a vehicle “so as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person” (46.2-852). The general rule is very broad. Other driving behaviors may be considered “reckless,” such as:
The individual should contact a distinguished criminal lawyer as soon as possible after receiving a reckless driving ticket. A Mecklenburg reckless driving lawyer will be on their side throughout the legal process, keeping the individual informed, preparing them for any court appearances, taking care of complex paperwork, and fighting to reduce penalties or even getting charges dropped.
Reckless driving is a Class 1 misdemeanor in Virginia. However, since each case is so different and because judges use their own discretion on a case-by-case basis, the penalties can be relatively minor or very harsh. Speaking generally, someone could be facing:
This is important because, based on their points, the DMV can place someone on driving probation, suspend their license, or require them to complete a driver improvement clinic. These demerit points will stay on their driving record for 11 years.
A Class 1 misdemeanor charge in Virginia is punishable by up to one year in jail. Fortunately, reckless driving rarely results in jail time, but it is still possible to spend a time in jail depending on the circumstances of the case. Talk to a Mecklenburg reckless driving lawyer if someone is worried about potential jail time. A Mecklenburg reckless driving lawyer can discuss the facts of the case with the individual being charged and will fight to keep them out of jail.
Fear of the unknown is common for people facing reckless driving charges. That is why Mecklenburg reckless driving lawyers are devoted to clearing up the confusion and providing their clients with legal support so that they can get their confidence back.
Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group