In Loudoun County, if you are arrested for a drug related offense there are certain procedures and protocols that will likely take place following the initial arrest. This includes appearing before a magistrate and, in many cases, even being held in a jail or detention center. Below is more detailed information on what you can expect after an arrest for a drug offense and at what point in the process you should contact a legal representative in Loudoun County, VA. If you have already been through the arrest process, contact a Loudoun County drug lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your case.
If someone is going to be arrested during a traffic stop and that arrest is for a felony offense, then they are going to be taken immediately from the point of the traffic stop. This is the same if they are a passenger or the driver.
If they are the driver, then their car will be towed to the local impound facility and they will receive information on how to retrieve their car from there. If they are a passenger, then they will be simply transported to the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center which also includes the magistrate’s office. This is located off Sycolin Road across the road from Leesburg Airport.
If the alleged offense occurs very far away from Leesburg, like in Sterling, then there is a chance—but not a guarantee—that they may be taken to a police substation for further processing before a magistrate via video link.
However, in the vast majority of cases after a drug related arrest, the accused is going to be transported to the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center. At the magistrate’s office, the case is reviewed by a magistrate who makes the initial determination regarding bond. That initial determination on bond is made with certain variables known, including the person’s biographical information, their local history, and a brief recitation of the facts by the arresting officer.
The initial determination also takes into account their employment history, their ties of the area, and their criminal history. The bond decision is based upon the accused’s history, the facts of the case, and the nature of the specific offense alleged to have occurred.
The magistrate might admit the accused to bond at that time. That bond may be “secured,” meaning that they have to post the money themselves or employ a bondsman. The bond may also be unsecured meaning that the accused simply has to sign the recognizance paperwork and promise to appear on a court date in order to be released.
If you have a loved one arrested in Loudoun County, then it is important that you contact a criminal defense attorney right away. There are certain rights that person has that you do not want to waste. You want to make sure that their rights are protected. Contacting a defense attorney, especially one who is experienced with Loudoun County procedures and protocols, is a great idea as soon as possible.
Some of the common rights that are overlooked are that people accused of serious criminal offenses are not obligated to speak to the police beyond giving their biographical data. They do not have to waive their rights and they don’t have to give “their side of the story.”
It is important for a person accused of any nature of crime to understand that a criminal defense attorney is here to help. We assist the accused in speaking to the police so that they don’t say anything incriminating or otherwise assist in their own prosecution.
After an arrest, typically, the first time when someone is given opportunity to speak to their attorneys is after they are presented to the magistrate. Once the bond determination is made, they are given a phone call and that phone call is typically either to an attorney’s office or to their family or loved ones to let them know where they are.
Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group