If you’re in a situation where you’re arrested and detained without bond, which would typically happen for a serious charge or someone with a prior criminal history, it is important to contact a criminal defense attorney right away. Often this may be through a family member or trusted friend acting on your behalf until the attorney can communicate with you. In some jurisdictions you can hire a private attorney just for the bond hearing. This is called a special appearance. It depends upon the circumstances of the case, but oftentimes you or relatives acting on your behalf can assist in securing an attorney who can then file a bond motion and present that to the court. Bond motions are very important. They have preference on the docket, meaning they can get turned around and heard faster than most other motions. An experienced criminal defense attorney can visit you in jail, communicate with you, discuss when a bond motion is appropriate, see whether your case has a good chance for success in a bond motion, and let you know what to expect from that bond motion.
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Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group