Whether the case involves a school disciplinary hearing or a criminal court charge, student defense is different from other types of legal defense. Not only are procedures often unique, but the subsequent consequences for a conviction also differ.
Although there is often a perception that legal representation is not necessary after a school violation, many students and their families find it helpful to work with a Virginia student defense lawyer. If you were charged with violating a school law, consider reaching out to a dedicated defense attorney to discuss the nature of your case and determine what defenses are available.
Disciplinary hearings and criminal charges may stem from a variety of incidents of alleged wrongdoing. Some of the more common incidents involving Virginia students include allegations of:
Students may be charged with violating school rules, honor code provisions or state and local criminal and civil laws. Regardless of the charge, all students deserve to have their side of the story given full consideration.
In school disciplinary hearings, the standard procedures and protections of a criminal court do not apply. However, in addition to some traditional defensive strategies, there are additional approaches that may work regarding school-related violations.
Of course, when facing any accusation, the most successful strategy would be to demonstrate that the charged person was wrongfully accused. The types of evidence allowed to prove this point may be limited in a school disciplinary hearing, however.
Another approach that may be successful for school disciplinary hearings is for a defendant to admit to the conduct, explain the situation, and express genuine remorse over the consequences—as well as a willingness to make restitution. In other words, the student accused should show efforts to take responsibility for the actions and use the experience as an opportunity for growth. This strategy may not only get a student out of trouble but may also help them to understand where mistakes were made and how to avoid them in the future.
With changes in laws regarding possession of controlled substances and a modern understanding of the nature of addiction, it is now often possible to convince those standing in judgment that a student is in need of education and rehabilitation, instead of punishment.
Due to this, a Virginia student defense attorney could help find an appropriate program offering counseling or treatment and present arguments as to why such a course of action satisfies the goals of the school and furthers the interests of society.
However, if a student is charged with distribution of controlled substances or possession of a sufficient quantity with intent to distribute, the offense becomes a serious criminal matter calling for the application of elevated criminal defense strategies.
Whether it is necessary to present a defense in criminal court or in a school disciplinary setting, an experienced Virginia student defense lawyer could help to provide guidance, devise the best defensive strategies, and advocate on the student’s behalf to help reach a positive outcome under the circumstances. If you or a loved one was accused of violating a school law, consider reaching out to a well-versed attorney to discuss your legal options.
The assistance of a legal professional could help to ease the stresses of building a defense and allow you to consider the extent of your options. To schedule a consultation and discuss your situation, call today.
Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group