(571) 234-5960
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Criminal Defense Lawyer

Fredericksburg Carjacking Lawyer

Carjacking is a very serious charge. There is a strong likelihood that if someone is charged with carjacking, they may not be admitted to bond. It is important that someone facing carjacking charges in Virginia consult with a dedicated and local Fredericksburg carjacking lawyer.

A carjacking charge typically comes in connection with a number of other offenses given the nature of the offense. If you are facing charges, you can expect to discuss the facts of the case, your criminal history, and the expectations of what the attorney can do to assist you in the case. Carjacking in Virginia is a serious felony offense, punishable by extensive prison time, it is critical that you speak with a skilled theft attorney to begin building your defense case.

Defining Carjacking

Carjacking is the taking of an occupied vehicle through force, a threat of the use of force, or intimidation. It is an enhanced version of grand theft auto or grand larceny in which someone may be accused of depriving someone of their property. If someone is being accused, they are depriving someone of their property through the use of force, threat, intimidation. Something that rises to that level is extremely serious.

The most common TV/movie scenario for carjacking is when someone walks into traffic, pulls a weapon, and forces the occupants out of their car. In reality, carjacking does not have to be that violent. It just has to meet the elements of the offense. But the most common scenario is when someone uses a weapon or the threat of a weapon to force a driver to give over possession of their vehicle.

There are a variety of examples of carjacking scenarios. The most common TV or movie example is when someone walks in front of a car, pulls a gun, and tells someone to give them their car. That is a scenario that is terrifying and does happen in real life. The other common scenario is when someone has obtained a ride from a driver and while in the vehicle they force the driver to give them the car through a threat. For example, someone gets a taxi or Uber ride and halfway through the ride they threaten the driver and may produce a weapon for control of the car. The person feels that threat is reasonable and puts them in the apprehension of fear of bodily harm. That scenario as well may be a case for someone to be charged with carjacking.

Potential Additional Charges

If a person is charged with carjacking, the person may be also charged with assault with a deadly weapon, unlawful wounding if someone is injured, malicious wounding if someone is injured seriously, grand larceny, and unauthorized use. There are a lot of different charges that may accompany carjacking. Someone may be charged with a multitude of offenses out of the same occurrence or the same transaction.

Working with a Skilled Lawyer

A person facing carjacking charges should contact a criminal lawyer as soon as possible. In a case as serious as carjacking, there is not a moment to lose. As soon as the person is released from arrest, arrested, or facing a likelihood of arrest, it is important to contact an experienced criminal attorney.

It is important to discuss the theft lawyer’s experienced with similar cases and procedural things. Your local Virginia attorney should be able to help you understand what to expect at the preliminary hearing or arraignment, what to expect if the case proceeded to a grand jury, and what to expect if the case proceeded to a trial, or if the case goes to a jury trial.

Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group

Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group
Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group
891C Harrison Street SE
Leesburg VA 20175
Times: 7am to 11pm - Mon to Sun
Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group
32 Waterloo St

Warrenton VA 20186
Times: 7am to 11pm - Mon to Sun
Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Group
9119 Church Street

Manassas VA 20110
Times: 7am to 11pm - Mon to Sun
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